Upcoming F# struct tuples: are they always faster?

Don Syme has been working on struct tuples for F# language. Let's see if they are more performant than "old" (heap allocated) tuples in simple scenario: returning tuple from function. The code is very simple:

Decompiled code in Release configuration:

Everything we need to change to switch to struct tuples, is adding "struct" keyword in front of constructor and pattern matching:

Decompiled code in Release configuration:

I don't know about you, but I was surprised with those results. The performance roughly the same. GC is not a bottleneck as no objects were promoted to generation 1.


  • Using struct tuples as a faster or "GC-friendly" alternative to return multiple values from functions does not make sense.
  • Building in release mode erases away heap allocated tuples, but not struct tuples.
  • Building in release mode inlines the "foo" function, which makes the code 10x faster.
  • You can fearlessly allocate tens of millions of short-living object per second, performance will be great.


Unknown said…
The first example, when compiled in release, do not even construct tuples as the compile optimizes them away.
public static class Program
public static int main(string[] _arg1)
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int index = 1; index < 100000001; ++index)
Math.Sin((double) index / 1000.0);
PrintfModule.PrintFormatLineToTextWriter>(Console.Out, (PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit>) new PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, TimeSpan>("Run: %O")).Invoke(stopwatch.Elapsed);
PrintfModule.PrintFormatLineToTextWriter>(Console.Out, (PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit>) new PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, TimeSpan>("GC.Collect: %O")).Invoke(stopwatch.Elapsed);
return 0;
Vasily said…
@Will Smith: yeah, thanks!

I compiled in Release configuration the variant which uses struct tuples and they _are not eraised_:

public static int main(string[] _arg1)
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 1; i < 100000001; i++)
double num = (double)i / 1000.0;
StructTuple structTuple = new StructTuple(num, Math.Sin(num));
PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit> format = new PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, TimeSpan>("Run: %O");
PrintfModule.PrintFormatLineToTextWriter>(Console.Out, format).Invoke(sw.Elapsed);
format = new PrintfFormat, TextWriter, Unit, Unit, TimeSpan>("GC.Collect 2: %O");
PrintfModule.PrintFormatLineToTextWriter>(Console.Out, format).Invoke(sw.Elapsed);
ConsoleKeyInfo consoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
return 0;
Unknown said…
Thanks for updating the post. Though, the non-struct version doesn't even allocate tuples to begin with as the compiler optimizes them out. I'm sure if you change it to where it allocates tuples, the results will be very different.
Vasily said…
in debug mode the tuples are allocated indeed, so we can compare them to struct tuples.
jackfoxy said…
I would still like to see a comparison in release.
Vasily said…
@jeckfoxy the snippets include execution time in both debug and release modes.
jackfoxy said…
But as @Will points out the compiler optimizes them away. Perhaps by following the construction with a fst statement will prevent the optimization.
B.C. said…
Try a more complicated experiment that makes tuples leave the nursery generation: http://flyingfrogblog.blogspot.com/2014/01/on-performance-of-boxed-tuples.html
nhuthuy said…
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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