STM: F# vs Haskell

STM is a very nice parallel programming model used intensively in Haskell and Clojure. There's a F# implementation which can be found in FSharpx library.

Today I'm going to test performance of both the Haskell and the F# STMs. The test is very simple - read a couple TVars, check their equality, then write them back incremented by 1, repeat a million times.

First, the Haskell code:

So, it took about 170 ms. OK, now F#: It took about 1,6 seconds which is an order of magnitude slower than the Haskell result. It's rather frustrating.


Unknown said…
Was the F# test done on Mono or native windows?
KolA said…
Did you eliminate JIT compile overhead in F# ?
Unknown said…
Repeat this test on .Net Core 2

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